
When you look into abyss abyss also looks into you.
Whoa! Shit, this is totally unexpected! New people are reading this! Heeey! Good to see you! Come on in, feel free to express your opinion!

This is gonna be awkward... 'Cause I meant to whine about how shitty things are. Well, it's my fucking diary and I think I can say whtever I wish, right?

Here's the thing... Finally, I've started believing that people may like me but I still don't believe they need me. It's like you really like that nice framed painting on your wall but you can live without it just fine. You'll probably miss it for a while if it's gone and then replace it just to forget all about it. I'm no more than a painting on somebody's wall. We're all just paintings. Sad but true.

My new job is demanding. I sleep badly, I have disturbing dreams that wake me up two or three times a night. They are not exactly nightmares, no clowns with red baloons, no sewers and lepers. It's my job and me unable to do it right. I hope it'll be ok soon. Or I'll go mad.

01.10.2017 в 22:00

선생님들이 문을 열어주기는 하지만 들어가야하는 사람은 당신 혼자이다.
Hi^^ Why do you worry about your job?
02.10.2017 в 20:05

When you look into abyss abyss also looks into you.
Kim Namjoon, well, I've been transferred to a new department and for now on I feel very vulnerable there. I'm afraid of messing up, doing something wrong. I feel that my team leader has high expectations but I am not sure I'm as good as he thinks... It's all very unnerving.
02.10.2017 в 20:22

선생님들이 문을 열어주기는 하지만 들어가야하는 사람은 당신 혼자이다.
Gatita negra, You should believe in yourself)
03.10.2017 в 02:56

When you look into abyss abyss also looks into you.
Kim Namjoon, that's a hard thing to do. Thank you for the support! :)