This journal is public. You may come and go, you may come and stay. You can ask for grammar or vocabulary tips, you can comment and discuss things. BUT I will not answer any personal questions, I will not tell you who I am, where I come from and what I do for a living. It doesn't really matter who I am and you should not care about it. This journal is in English, occasionally interspersed with Spanish.
All persons, places, and events in this journal are real. Certain speeches and thoughts are necessarily constructions by the author. No names have been changed to protect the innocent, since God Almighty protects the innocent as a matter of Heavenly routine. (c)
All persons, places, and events in this journal are real. Certain speeches and thoughts are necessarily constructions by the author. No names have been changed to protect the innocent, since God Almighty protects the innocent as a matter of Heavenly routine. (c)